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Summer Is Here!

Make plans to visit Grover this summer.  With the good snow pack we had this winter and some late snow storms, the rivers and creeks have been marvelous to behold.  The water flow is starting to slow down now, but we have the wild flowers to look forward to.  

It has been a great spring to hike up to the waterfalls.  The Alpine Trails Association has been working on the Charity Valley and Burnside Lake trails.  Thanks to them and other volunteers those trails should be in much better shape this year.

Several visitors have commented on how peaceful it is in the campground.  This campground is truly a family friendly campground.  Campsites are well spaced, there are showers, campfire and Jr. Ranger Programs, and hiking trails to explore.  Being at the end of a dead-end road helps to keep traffic and noise down also.

While visiting, please stop by our visitor center and gift shop.  We are more than happy to help you with your hiking plans and other recreational activities in the area.  We have several new books and guides this year, along with other fun gift ideas.  Check out our new t-shirt designs.  We also have ice cream and fruit bars.  The Visitor center is located in the Picnic area and open daily 10am - 6pm.